Things You Need to Know About Villa Wedding
If you choose a private villa in Bali as the wedding venue, you will come across some special terminologies and should deal with the following villa wedding essentials:
Banjar Fee
This is a fee paid to the local village community where venue is located. In return you will get license for amplified music, late curfew and parking. The amount varies depending on each “Banjar” policy.
Function Fee
This is an extra fee charged by villa owner or villa management for having social gathering or celebration where the total number of guests exceeds double the sleeping capacity of the villa. The amount varies depending on villa owner’s policy, mostly equal to 1 night stay villa charge however some villas charge more. Contact us at [email protected] for further information.
Minimum Stay
Most villas in Bali requires 3 nights minimum stay for any stay associated with social gatherings or wedding functions. There are few villas that allow shorter stay ie Semara Uluwatu and Phalosa in Batu Belig Seminyak.
Power Generator
Villa electrical supplies are generally not sufficient to cater for events thus a generator with minimum 40KVA should be supplied by client.
Refundable Security Deposit
Allowing wedding functions put a villa at risk, especially damage or breakage to the villa facilities. The security deposit will be used to cover damage to the property (if any). Hence villa owner or villa management imposes security deposit as the prerequisite for any wedding function. Amount varies depending each villa or villa management policy. Security Deposit will be refunded in full upon check out if the no damage/breakage found.

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